Conversational Charisma: Mastering Communication & Relationships

132 Minute Course - Broken Down Into Eight Modules

If you take a serious look at why organizations struggle or employees fail, in most cases it is a lack of communication or poor communication skills. Great communication skills are a learned behavior, not something you are born with. Learn simple tips on how to improve service or have better relationships within your organization or in your personal life. You will be shocked at how simplistic, yet how rare, these communication skills are. It will change the way you do business and the way you speak to your family and friends. Certificates of Completion provided to all students who complete the course. 

Here is What Clients Are Saying

“This program has been an eye-opener and informative. Being a younger manager and relatively new in my management position, it will be very helpful to put these tips and knowledge to use. I am very excited to share this information with my leadership team, to help them be better coaches as well. Thank you!”

Callie Hillburn – Player’s Club Manager, Indigo Sky Casino

“I would advise anyone who takes pride in their own capabilities to supervise people, to learn this extraordinary concept and discover the art of communication.” 

William Lincoln - – Security Supervisor, Indigo Sky Casino

“Eye-opening. Made me aware that I needed practice how to communicate to fellow employees in a polite manner. Also, how to come to resolution on challenges without placing blame or causing ill feelings. Brad gave me something to practice on how to handle difficult situations at work and with my family. Thank you!”

Michael T Moyer – Security Supervisor, Indigo Sky Casino

“Brad, I never knew the meaning of “asking the right question” until now. It gives me many perspectives that will help me train employees to eliminate failed situations. Most of all, thank you for this program – it has given me way more than anticipated. It provided a better understanding of people at work and in my personal life.”

Blake Sargent, Indigo Sky Casino

“Amazing! Brad put so many ideas into perspective, was super engaging, open to questions, and patient. I feel that he knows, believes and has proven that his methods not only work, but are correct. I feel his use of group work helps you to learn to retain the information and methods. I will definitely attend future seminars of Brad’s.”

Josh Siler – Table Games Manager, Downstream Casino

“I have been a manager in the casino resort industry for over 9 years. After attending this seminar, I have learned so many new skills and tools to use on a daily basis. These tools can not only be used at work, but also in your home life. The seminars are focused, enlightening and very intuitive. Brad adds humor and fun to all seminars. I would highly recommend attending if given the opportunity.”

Kathy VanStavern – Hotel Services Manage, Downstream Casino

Highlights of the Course Curriculum (132 Minutes)

Module 1 (15 Minutes): 5 conditions to being a great communicator, three primary learning styles and embracing the differences between left and right brain people.

Module 2 (16 Minutes): The communication filtering process, voice inflection and timing, active listening, using listening statements, body language and retention.

Module 3 (23 Minutes): The misperceptions of introversion, managing extroversion, image conscious communication, straightforward communicators, collaborative communication style and conversational leadership style.

Module 4 (12 Minutes): Options for responding, being responsive, offering your undivided attention, eliminating distractions and avoiding making others wrong.

Module 5 (24 Minutes): Dealing with an employee who is unwilling to change, dealing with a superior who is unwilling to change, 10 ways to give constructive feedback, reducing miscommunication and silence is not always golden.

Module 6 (20 Minutes): Are you drinking the poison, letting go, creating an atmosphere of healing, eliminating office politics and drama.

Module 7 (14 Minutes): Five primary conversational styles: demanding, angry, passive, social and analytical.

Module 8 (8 Minutes): Five primary causes of upsets: unfulfilled expectations that you create, that they create, undelivered communication, abandoned intentions and issues from the past.

This course is closed for enrollment.